Thank you.
Hmm, I wonder if I can make this generic enough to work for any combination of classes and properties without having to predefine Stored Queries?
It also needs to tap into the language fallback functionality:
So a complete, more generic example would be:
The class :Country has properties :name, :headOfState.
The class :Person has properties :name, :birthDate
We can determine a priori that :name is an rdf:langString and want to use that information to apply a fallback.
We want to get the top 5 Countries ranked by population and we want to get 3 Heads of State ranked by birthDate.
So basically:
?country a :Country;
:population ?population .
:name ?name . // Apply Fallback
ORDER BY ?population
// Correlated Query:
?country :headOfState ?Person;
:birthDate ?birthDate .
:name ?name . // Apply Fallback
ORDER BY ?birthDate
Can this be achieved? I.e. how customizable is the SQS? Can it accept entire graph patterns?
(We have 1000s of variations on this theme so a generic solution is important )