The database has geospatial functionality disabled, cannot perform spatial queries

Hi Al.

Thank you for the prompt response.
I did check through the Stardog Studio UI, but the spatial properties are already enabled.
This was expected since in my initial post I included the results of the command

$ stardog-admin db list
|    Databases    |
| scalability_10K |
$ stardog-admin metadata get scalability_10K | grep spatial
| optimize.spatial                            | false                                                                            |
| spatial.distance.precision                  | 8                                                                                |
| spatial.enabled                             | true                                                                             |
| spatial.error.percentage                    | 0.025                                                                            |
| spatial.index.dirty                         | true                                                                             |
| spatial.index.version                       | 1                                                                                |
| spatial.precision                           | 11                                                                               |
| spatial.result.limit                        | 10000                                                                            |
| spatial.result.page_size                    | 100000                                                                           |
| spatial.use.jts                             | true                                                                             |

Is it required to set the "optimize.spatial" property to "true" in addition to "spatial.enabled" and "spatial.use.jts" in order to enable spatial functionality?

Also during the startup of the Stardog server I am receiving the following error:

ERROR 2023-08-24 12:13:02,307 [main] com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.server.StardogHttpServiceLoader:createService(127): Unable to create an instance of HttpService class com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.cache.server.CacheHttpService, missing compatible constructor

Could this error be the reason for the problem I am facing querying a spatially enabled database?

There is a post related to this error (Server start Error) and the answer explicitly mentions that "...Your license has 3 features intentionally disabled: geospatial, LDAP, and caching...".

This was also my question in initial post, that there might be an issue with the renewed license I got. I believe that I was given a license that does not allow spatial operations.