Wild card projection returning fewer results than specific one

I think I may have come across a strange corner case. Either that or something were someone is going to have to explain to me some esoteric section of the specs.

The following query returns no results

select * where { } values ?test {"one" "two"}

while this one where I replace the wild card with a specific projection does

select ?test where { } values ?test {"one" "two"}


| test  |
| "one" |
| "two" |

Yes, completely contrived query that you'd never do but it was surprising. I was going to use it to play around with UNNEST and SET to test some things to see if it worked the way I thought that it did.

If you move the values inside it works as expected. I guess the projection is applied before the values

select * where { values ?test {"one" "two"}}
| test  |
| "one" |
| "two" |

Yes, it's a bug. Indeed specific to the rare situation when VALUES appears outside of WHERE. Will be fixed in 7.3.1.


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