Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2464 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 255 ms (10.3%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 542 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 252 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 135 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 153 ms (6.2%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 231 ms (9.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 119 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 96 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2494 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 265 ms (10.6%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 143 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 33 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 147 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 548 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 253 ms (10.1%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 143 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 236 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 120 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2496 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 254 ms (10.2%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 44 ms (1.8%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 147 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 545 ms (21.8%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 261 ms (10.5%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 179 ms (7.2%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 139 ms (5.6%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 140 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 234 ms (9.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 120 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 98 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2478 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 258 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 33 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 100 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 149 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 546 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 254 ms (10.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 177 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 135 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 235 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 120 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 96 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2478 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 264 ms (10.7%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 150 ms (6.1%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 548 ms (22.1%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 254 ms (10.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 175 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 232 ms (9.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 117 ms (4.7%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 95 ms (3.8%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2478 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 252 ms (10.2%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 139 ms (5.6%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 546 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 258 ms (10.4%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 132 ms (5.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 143 ms (5.8%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 238 ms (9.6%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 132 ms (5.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2465 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 256 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 98 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 148 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 542 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 256 ms (10.4%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 175 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 235 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 118 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 95 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2488 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 271 ms (10.9%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 142 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 100 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 146 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 546 ms (21.9%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 254 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 175 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 135 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 232 ms (9.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 120 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 95 ms (3.8%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2465 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 257 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 31 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 100 ms (4.1%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 148 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 540 ms (21.9%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 250 ms (10.1%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 235 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 118 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 98 ms (4.0%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2452 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 255 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 144 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 540 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 253 ms (10.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 172 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 135 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 139 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 233 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 117 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 96 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2476 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 254 ms (10.3%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 139 ms (5.6%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 98 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 147 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 549 ms (22.2%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 253 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 139 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 232 ms (9.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 130 ms (5.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 97 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2484 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 258 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 33 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 100 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 148 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 545 ms (21.9%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 252 ms (10.1%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 173 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 143 ms (5.8%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 239 ms (9.6%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 122 ms (4.9%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2476 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 256 ms (10.3%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 135 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 111 ms (4.5%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 147 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 545 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 250 ms (10.1%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 173 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 142 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 236 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 118 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 97 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2494 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 260 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 102 ms (4.1%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 152 ms (6.1%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 549 ms (22.0%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 257 ms (10.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 175 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 132 ms (5.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 142 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 236 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 119 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 98 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2475 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 257 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 98 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 148 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 550 ms (22.2%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 256 ms (10.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 173 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 135 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 138 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 234 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 117 ms (4.7%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 96 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2469 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 254 ms (10.3%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 98 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 147 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 541 ms (21.9%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 262 ms (10.6%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 173 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 134 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 140 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 236 ms (9.6%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 119 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 97 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2467 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 256 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 33 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 148 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 545 ms (22.1%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 252 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 132 ms (5.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 235 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 119 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 59 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 98 ms (4.0%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2466 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 257 ms (10.4%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 141 ms (5.7%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 34 ms (1.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 96 ms (3.9%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 147 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 544 ms (22.1%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 251 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 174 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 135 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 140 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 233 ms (9.4%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 119 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 96 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2470 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 253 ms (10.2%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 148 ms (6.0%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 538 ms (21.8%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 253 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 172 ms (7.0%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 140 ms (5.7%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 234 ms (9.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 132 ms (5.3%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 97 ms (3.9%) Explaining Query: PREFIX wgs84: PREFIX dct: PREFIX hord: SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?lat ?long FROM { ?row a hord:Row ; ^dct:hasPart ?id . ?id dct:hasPart ?coordinates . ?coordinates wgs84:lat ?lat ; wgs84:long ?long . } The Query Plan: Profiling results: Query executed in 2468 ms and returned 177441 result(s) Total used memory: 59M Pre-execution time: 0 ms (0.0%) Post-processing time: 254 ms (10.3%) prefix : prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix stardog: prefix so: From Distinct [#13K], memory: {total=15M (25.6%); max=11M}, results: 177K, wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ Projection(?id, ?lat, ?long) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 32 ms (1.3%) `─ MergeJoin(?row) [#13K], results: 177K, wall time: 99 ms (4.0%) +─ Scan[POSC](?row, http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type, https://data.spraksamlingane.no/stadnamn/archive/hord/Row) [#110K], results: 185K (with gaps), wall time: 146 ms (5.9%) `─ Sort(?row) [#57K], memory: {total=33M (55.6%)}, results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 548 ms (22.2%) `─ MergeJoin(?id) [#57K], results: 469K, wall time: 252 ms (10.2%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?row) [#290K], results: 484K (with gaps), wall time: 176 ms (7.1%) `─ Sort(?id) [#38K], memory: {total=11M (18.9%)}, results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 136 ms (5.5%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#38K], results: 177K, wall time: 139 ms (5.6%) +─ Scan[POSC](?id, http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart, ?coordinates) [#290K], results: 314K (with gaps), wall time: 236 ms (9.6%) `─ MergeJoin(?coordinates) [#89K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 118 ms (4.8%) +─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long, ?long) [#150K], results: 177K, wall time: 60 ms (2.4%) `─ Scan[PSOC](?coordinates, http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat, ?lat) [#150K], results: 177K (with gaps), wall time: 97 ms (3.9%)