Hi everyone,
I'm pretty new to Stardog, and am trying to add a triple -created with rdflib- into a graph via pystardog. for example:
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, BNode, Literal
bob = URIRef("http://example.org/people/Bob")
linda = BNode()
name = Literal("Bob")
triple = (bob, FOAF.name, name)
It seems that the
stardog.content.Raw*(content, *content_type=
is the best content type, however, the triple can not be passes to it as object. (Error: too many values to unpack ) and when I turn it to a string (by converting to string each element in the triple and concatenating them),
stardog.exceptions.StardogException: [400] QEIVR2: Namespace prefix 'http' used but not defined [L1]
I was wondering what is the type of the input to content.Raw and what would be the best practice for adding the triple?