Audit Logging - Configuration

I enabled audit logging in a file but the stardog.log file indicates "Could not create a logger for the access configuration: No suitable LogProvider was found for properties: access.enabled=true , access.file=access.log , access.type=text".

Does the /helm/log4j2.xml need to be modified? If so, what changes need to be made? If not, what needs to be done?

Hello and welcome!

What OS are you on, and how are you starting up the Stardog server?


The instance for which I need auditing is running on Windows, Enterprise 7.

I’m using the command line to start the server.


P.S. While I have you attention, is there a way to change the logging level to DEBUG?

The DL reasoner is having problems I’m trying to track down.


You should be able to modify server/dbms/log4j2.xml, especially to set the logging level to DEBUG:

<Root level="DEBUG">
  <AppenderRef ref="stardogAppender"/>

That should be the config file being used, unless you have one in your STARDOG_HOME or possibly your user home directory.

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