AVG function does not work


Can somebody shed a light on why this query is working

select (MAX(?v) as ?value)
where {
?o a sosa:Observation .
?o sosa:hasResult ?r .
?r qudt:numericValue ?v

and this is not

select (AVG(?v) as ?value)
where {
?o a sosa:Observation .
?o sosa:hasResult ?r .
?r qudt:numericValue ?v

I’m issuing the query in the console of Stardog 5.2.2

Kind regards,


What exactly happens? What happens if you run the same query via command line?


Hi Pavel,

Within the console I don't get any error nor result. Using the CLI I get the expected result:

D:\software\copyable\stardog-5.2.2\bin>stardog query semantic -u john -p john "prefix sosa: http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/ prefix qudt: http://qudt.org/schema/qudt# select (MAX(?v) as ?value) where {?o a sosa:Observation . ?o sosa:hasResult ?r . ?r qudt:numericValue ?v }"
| value |
| "2.5" |

Query returned 1 results in 00:00:00.318


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