BI server detected conflicting table names in database 'catalog'

I am using Sequel Pro to look at content in the "virtual MySql server".

It keeps throwing errors .. but then sort of soldiers on ..

That prompted me to look at Stardog.log, and I see the following error ..

INFO  2023-08-02T13:45:24,171-0400 [Stardog.Executor-4] com.complexible.stardog.serf.metadata.SchemaRegistry:lambda$loadSchema$0(68): BI server detected conflicting table names in database 'catalog'. Tables: GraphTable(Class), GraphTable(Class). Using: GraphTable(Class)

Are these issues related? And, if so, any ideas on how to fix?

There were two occurrences of the following RDF snippet in the BI Mapping for my "Catalog".
Removing one of them seems to have fixed the errors in the log.

spoke too soon .. the issue seems to be still there ..

It's still unclear whether the Sequel Pro exceptions are related. Unfortunately, the "details" section of the exception dialog is empty, so not much in the way of hints ..

rdfs:ClassTableMapping a sql:TableMapping ;
    sql:class rdfs:Class ;
    sql:tableName "Class" .