I am trying to use virtual add from Oracle without success. Here is my R2ML definition
loc:{"locationname"} a loc:CompanyBuilding ;
loc:name "{\"locationname\"}";
loc:alias "{\"alias1\"}";
sm:map [
sm:query """
SELECT locationname, alias1
""" ;
] .
When I try to load the data, I get the following error
$ stardog-admin virtual add db.properties location.ttl --verbose
Unable to parse R2RML view query [[
SELECT locationname, alias1
]]: From line 2, column 16 to line 2, column 27: Column 'LOCATIONNAME' not found in any table
The detailed stack trace for the error is:
com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.BaseHttpClient$HttpClientException: Unable to parse R2RML view query [[
SELECT locationname, alias1
]]: From line 2, column 16 to line 2, column 27: Column 'LOCATIONNAME' not found in any table
at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.BaseHttpClient.checkResponseCode(BaseHttpClient.java:538)
at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.BaseHttpClient.execute(BaseHttpClient.java:364)
at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.BaseHttpClient.executeHttpPost(BaseHttpClient.java:664)
at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.BaseHttpClient.executeHttpPost(BaseHttpClient.java:648)
at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.HttpVirtualGraphAdminConnectionImpl.addOrUpdate(HttpVirtualGraphAdminConnectionImpl.java:182)
at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.client.HttpVirtualGraphAdminConnectionImpl.addGraph(HttpVirtualGraphAdminConnectionImpl.java:155)
at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.cli.VirtualGraphAdd.performSecure(VirtualGraphAdd.java:109)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.admin.SecureStardogAdminCommand.call(SecureStardogAdminCommand.java:61)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.CLIBase.execute(CLIBase.java:55)
at com.complexible.stardog.cli.admin.CLI.main(CLI.java:187)
The first thing that I found strange was ***"not found in any table"***, however I tried putting a table that does not exists, and it did fail with an appropriate message, which seem to indicate that it was able to find the correct table.
I validated that my SQL query is correct as running the query 'SELECT locationname, alias1 FROM LOCATION'
in DBVisualizer did return the data.
Any assistance will be appreciated as I am working on a POC to display the advantage of Stardog.