I'm having problems starting the cluster, I found this error during the node sync com.complexible.stardog.StardogException: Drop conflicts with other create operation.
Then I tried to repair the database and I found this error [WARN ] 2019-11-21 07:41:25.732 [stardog-user-62] com.complexible.stardog.index.io.IndexIO - Index cannot be repaired, result was Index is not valid.
Valid Indexes: [ ]
Invalid Indexes: [ SPOC, POS, SPO, OSP, PSO, PSOC, OSPC, POSC ]
Repair Index: null
Dictionary: Inconsistent
Statistics: Valid
The index cannot be repaired.
How can I fix this issue and make sure it doesn't happen again?
If I have to run cluster with one node, we will probably migrate to JENA and save money.
PD. We have a cluster of 3 nodes in version 7.0.3 in GKC(google kubernetes cluster) and we do streaming updates on the data aprox(1000 writes a day).