Domain, range and inverseOf reasoning?


Is domain and range infrerence/reasoning supported by the SL reasoning type?

I tried declaring these properties and their relations in an example schema at Stardog Studio

:C1 a            owl:Class .
:p1 a             owl:ObjectProperty ;
    owl:inverseOf :p2 ;
    rdfs:range    :C1 .

:p2 a             owl:ObjectProperty .

where, given :p1 is an inverse property of :p2, and :C1 is the range of :p1, it would be desirable for the reasoner to infer that :p2 is also an inverse property of :p1, and therefore, :C1 is the domain of :p2.

Is such a relation inference currently supported by Stardog's reasoning?

I tried to test this using both Stardog Designer and Stardog Explorer. Neither showed the desired domain or inverse property inferences.

Allowing such inferences for this example alone would reduce by half (or more) the amount of manual axioms needed for such a relation.

If a more complex schema has 10, 100, 1000, etc. relations, and such inference is not supported, one would need to manually assert (explicitly) not only the inverse relationship for each property, but also their individual domains and ranges.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Thanks in advance!