Using some SPARQL conversion I identified a possible issue with float rounding.
consider the following SPARQL commands
insert data { <#1> <#p1> 144769387.5 }
and then
insert { <#2> <#p2> ?o }
where {
<#1> <#p1> ?o_raw .
BIND( STRDT( STR( ?o_raw), xsd:float) AS ?o)
select * where {?s ?p ?o}
I get back
<tag:stardog:api:#1> <tag:stardog:api:#p1> 144769387.5
<tag:stardog:api:#2> <tag:stardog:api:#p2> "1.44769392E8"^^<>|
notice that there is a difference in the numbers: 144769387.5
vs 144769392
compared to the number size the difference is quite small 4.5/144769387.5 but caused us some trouble.
Is this behavior expected? and if yes what would be the best way to keep the exact original values in place?
Thank you in advance