I have enabled full text search and was able to obtain some results. However, there are some parts of the Lucene syntax that are always giving me errors.
I am trying to test the Lucene syntax supported by Stardog as described in Home | Stardog Documentation Latest and org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic (Lucene 5.3.0 API)
(1) The proximity syntax returns an error
select *
from tag:stardog:api:context:all
where {
(?text ?score) tag:stardog:api:property:textMatch ("semantic web"~5)
order by desc(?score) ?text
(2) The boolean operator syntax returns an error
select *
from tag:stardog:api:context:all
where {
(?text ?score) tag:stardog:api:property:textMatch ("jakarta apache" AND "Apache Lucene")
order by desc(?score) ?text
(3) The fuzzy syntax returns an error
select *
from tag:stardog:api:context:all
where {
(?text ?score) tag:stardog:api:property:textMatch ("semantic"~1 2.0 1) #
order by desc(?score) ?text
In fact, most of the Lucene syntax does not seem to be valid in Stardog Studio. Except the following in which I am including minimum score and limit.
select *
from tag:stardog:api:context:all
where {
(?text ?score) tag:stardog:api:property:textMatch ('CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd' 6.0 1)
order by desc(?score) ?text
What is the proper way to embed in SPARQL all the Lucene syntax?