How can i return query result into json tree-like?

i'm tring to render a form base on triple, but the result is in flat array,

:用户表单 :render [
        :render [
            :name "用户名" ;
            :type "text"
        ] ;
        :render [
            :name "姓名" ;
            :type "text"
        ] ;
        :render [
            :name "角色" ;
            :type "radio" ;
            :option (:客服 :管理员)
    ] .
    WHERE {
      :用户表单 :render ?用户表单 .
      ?用户表单 :render ?元素 .
      ?元素 :name ?name ;
        :type ?type .
      OPTIONAL {
        ?元素 :option ?option .
        ?option rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?value
    "name": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "姓名"
    "type": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "text"
    "name": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "角色"
    "type": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "radio"
    "value": {
      "type": "uri",
      "value": "http://test/onto#客服"
    "option": {
      "type": "bnode",
      "value": "bnode_02e58914_07f7_4b33_ad0d_896cf787d4d0_224"
    "name": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "角色"
    "type": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "radio"
    "value": {
      "type": "uri",
      "value": "http://test/onto#管理员"
    "option": {
      "type": "bnode",
      "value": "bnode_02e58914_07f7_4b33_ad0d_896cf787d4d0_224"
    "name": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "用户名"
    "type": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "text"
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
      {{ type, name }) => (
        <div key={name.value}>
          <label htmlFor={name.value}>{name.value}</label>
          <input id={name.value} type={type.value} name={name.value} ref={register} />
        <input type='submit' value='提交' />

i've tied xml result, but this flat struct is hard to deal

<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'UTF-8\'?>
		<variable name=\'name\'/>
		<variable name=\'type\'/>
		<variable name=\'option\'/>
		<variable name=\'value\'/>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>
			<binding name=\'value\'>
			<binding name=\'option\'>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>
			<binding name=\'value\'>
			<binding name=\'option\'>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>

what i expected is like a dom tree, form radio button will have options that nested, i wonder is there a best practice when dealing with sparql result ?

<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'UTF-8\'?>
		<variable name=\'name\'/>
		<variable name=\'type\'/>
		<variable name=\'option\'/>
		<variable name=\'value\'/>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>
			<binding name=\'option\'>
                               <binding name=\'value\'>
                            <binding name=\'value\'>
			<binding name=\'name\'>
			<binding name=\'type\'>

Have you looked at GraphQL?

graphql seems doesn't support unicode?

so i have to turn all schema into ascii?

trying to get rdf:List, but stucked

how to get :option (:Admin :Client)

    Form {
        render {
            render {
                option @optional 
    # 类
    :User a owl:Class .

    :Admin a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:label "管理员" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf :User .

    :Client a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:label "客服" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf :User .

    :Permission a owl:Class .

    # 属性

    :username a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        a owl:FunctionalProperty .

    :name a owl:DatatypeProperty .

    # 表单
    :userForm a :Form ;
        :render [
            :render [
                :name "用户名" ;
                :type "text"
            ] ;
            :render [
                :name "姓名" ;
                :type "text"
            ] ;
            :render [
                :name "角色" ;
                :type "radio" ;
                :option (:Admin :Client)
        ] .

    # 创建一些默认用户

        a :Client ;
        :username "crapthings" ;
        :name "张翃" .

        a :Admin ;
        :username "admin" ;
        :name "管理员" .
    BIND(:user:crapthings as ?crapthings) .
    BIND(:user:admin as ?admin) .

The use of latin letters as identifiers appears to be a limitation in the GraphQL specification. We're leveraging the graphql-java library for parsing and as such don't have an easy way around this.

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What result are you getting for option? The bnode representing the list?


    # class
    :User a owl:Class .

    :Admin a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:label "Administrator" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf :User .

    :Client a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:label "Client" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf :User .

    :Permission a owl:Class .

    # property

    :username a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        a owl:FunctionalProperty .

    :name a owl:DatatypeProperty .

    # form

    :userForm a :Form ;
        :hasElement [
            :hasInput [
                :name "username" ;
                :type "text"
            ] ;
            :hasInput [
                :name "name" ;
                :type "text"
            ] ;
            :hasInput [
                :name "role" ;
                :type "radio" ;
                :hasOption (:Admin :Client)
        ] .

    # create default users

        a :Client ;
        :username "crapthings" ;
        :name "zhang hong" .

        a :Admin ;
        :username "admin" ;
        :name "administrator" .
    BIND(:user:crapthings as ?crapthings) .
    BIND(:user:admin as ?admin) .


    WHERE {
      :userForm :hasElement ?element .
      ?element :hasInput ?input .
      ?input :name ?name ;
        :type ?type .
      OPTIONAL {
        ?input :hasOption ?list .
        ?list rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?option .

graphql query

    Form {
        hasElement {
            hasInput {
                hasOption @optional 

and i don't know what to do next, i think it should give me

rdfs:label at least

i'm still watching this video tutorial, but got no clue

Yeah, I see. The list in RDF is represented as several triples. We'll have to add a new directive or something to handle it like this. I'll raise a new feature request.

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and sometimes might nest in more detail form

:userForm a :Form ;
        :hasElement [
            :hasInput [
                :name "username" ;
                :type "text"
            ] ;
            :hasInput [
                :name "name" ;
                :type "text"
            ] ;
            :hasInput [
                :name "role" ;
                :type "radio" ;
                :hasOption ([
                    :value "something1" ;
                    :label "Administrator"
                    ] [
                    :value "something2" ;
                    :label "Client"
        ] .

That would be fine once we can support the lists. If it's a literal for the option, we should return the value in the array. If it's structured, you would need to list the fields, eg:

option {
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