when i set my archetype to built-in skos, the icv works if i insert a wrong data like
:a skos:broader :b .
:a skos:related :b .
but when i change archetype to
there's no constraints in this set.
so this query can be insert
:a skos:broader :b .
:a skos:related :b .
i want to build it by myself, how to do it
I don't understand what exactly you're looking to do. Are you looking to install your crapthings/stardog-archetypes so that it's accessable to Stardog or are there constraints that you're looking to add to your uneskos archetype?
If you already have constraints you can add them to a constraints directory located in your archetype directory uneskos/constraints.
i want to build constraints for uneskos
it will include 4 module skos skosxl skosthes and uneskos
it seems include scheme wont enable reasoning constraints,should i use shacl?
You can write your constraints in ICV, SPARQL or SHACL. The Stardog docs are the best resource for ICV or SPARQL constraints. There isn't a lot of good material for SHACL but a Google search or the specs would be a good start.
i've tried this archetype
the built-in skos works with ICV, but after i change to skos-inline, the ICV doesn't work
as you can see in this video
i want to use GUARD MODE to valid insert data, but after i change archetype to skos-inline, constraints failed to work.
i though file below can be valid query, but its not.
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
skos:Concept a rdfs:Class , sh:NodeShape ;
sh:not [
sh:class skos:Collection
] , [
sh:class skos:ConceptScheme
] ;
sh:property [
sh:path skos:narrowerTransitive ;
sh:class skos:Concept
] , [
sh:path skos:topConceptOf ;
sh:class skos:ConceptScheme
] , [
sh:class skos:Concept ;
sh:path skos:mappingRelation
] , [
sh:class skos:Concept ;
This file has been truncated. show original
so the built-in skos archetype is not open source, i can't figure out what is missing to make GUARD MODE work
after i split modules into folder instead put them in one then its working.
stardog-admin db create -o database.archetypes="dcterms,skos-inline,skosxl,skosthes,uneskos" -n app
August 6, 2020, 2:06am
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