How to bing geospatial point from sql to stardog

MAPPING <urn:r2m2l_3657b6d8_a79a_4698_b3fb_e54f0e7eb746_1223895>
  FROM `Hackathon_Exercise`.`adsb_signal`
TO {
  ?subject a geo:hasGeometry .
  ?subject <> ?aircraft_id .
  ?subject <> ?altitude_double .
  ?subject <> ?ground_speed_double .
  ?subject <> ?heading_double .
  ?subject <> ?latitude_double .
  ?subject <> ?location .
  ?subject <> ?longitude_double .
  ?subject <> ?ref_aircraft_id .
  ?subject <> ?signal_id .
  ?subject <> ?signal_timestamp_dateTime .
  ?subject rdf:type :adsb_signal
  BIND(StrDt(?altitude, xsd:double) AS ?altitude_double)
  BIND(StrDt(?ground_speed, xsd:double) AS ?ground_speed_double)
  BIND(StrDt(?heading, xsd:double) AS ?heading_double)
  BIND(StrDt(?latitude, xsd:double) AS ?latitude_double)
  BIND(StrDt(?longitude, xsd:double) AS ?longitude_double)
  BIND(StrDt(?signal_timestamp, xsd:dateTime) AS ?signal_timestamp_dateTime)
  BIND(template("{signal_id}") AS ?subject)
  BIND(template("{aircraft_id}") AS ?ref_aircraft_id)

I want to update the binding of location which is point such that i can use geosparql queries

Hi Dipanjan,

In general, to support geospatial queries, the geospatial data needs to be represented using the right class and properties. In your mappings, this would be something like:

?subject a geo:Geometry .
?subject wgs:lat ?latitude_double.
?subject wgs:long  ?longitude_double.

See also our docs for details.
Moreover, geospatial queries are currently not supported to be evaluated over Virtual Graphs. As a result, you would need to materialize the virtual data into a database (with spatial.enabled=true) first.

Best regards