How to import csv and mapping file in Stardog database using Java ?
If you have access to the Stardog client jars, something like this should work:
void importFile(String dbName) throws Exception {
String aServer = "http://localhost:5820/" + dbName;
AdminConnectionConfiguration aAdminConnectionConfiguration = AdminConnectionConfiguration.toServer(aServer);
aAdminConnectionConfiguration = aAdminConnectionConfiguration.credentials("admin", "admin"));
AdminConnection result = aAdminConnectionConfiguration.connect();
VirtualGraphAdminConnection vgConn =;
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(VirtualGraphOptions.MAPPINGS_SYNTAX, VirtualGraphMappingSyntax.SMS2.toString());
String mappingsString = "PREFIX : <>\n" +
"\n" +
"mapping\n" +
"from csv {\n" +
"}\n" +
"to {\n" +
" ?subj a :Person ;\n" +
" :name ?name ;\n" +
" :firstNameUsingSourceField ?first_name_using_sourceField ;\n" +
" :firstNameUsingSanitizedVar ?First_Name ;\n" +
" :age ?age ;\n" +
" .\n" +
"}\n" +
"where {\n" +
" # Template allows a source field with a space in it\n" +
" bind(template(\"{First Name}\") as ?subj)\n" +
" # sourceField not at root of expression tree\n" +
" bind(concat(sourceField(\"First Name\"), \" \", sourceField(\"Last-Name\")) as ?name)\n" +
" # sourceField at root of expression tree\n" +
" bind(sourceField(\"First Name\") as ?first_name_using_sourceField)\n" +
vgConn.importFile(mappingsString, mProperties, dbName, Values.iri(mNamedGraph), mInputFile, InputFileType.DELIMITED);
The import API is a rest call that takes a multi-part form input. The API is documented here:
You can read about the property options here:
I recommend starting with the CLI command in order to make sure your properties and mappings are correct before tackling the Java API.
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Thanks for your help.
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