Insert current date

I’m seeing the same behavior with nothing to note in the logs.

On a side note I did notice a small error in the help page for queries

stardog help query execute

The third query under “EXAMPLES” has the --reasoning flag after the database name

stardog query myDb --reasoning "select ?type where { <urn:an:individual> rdf:type ?type }"

which I believe should be before the database name

stardog query --reasoning myDb "select ?type where { <urn:an:individual> rdf:type ?type }"

No biggie but I thought id mention it.

I also tried the query by specifying a connection string instead of the database name but that did not work either

stardog query execute http://localhost:5820/test;reasoning=true "select ...."

I assume this is a bug then, yes?

Someone from Stardog would have to confirm but I think that’s a reasonable assumption at this time.

It appears that the --reasoning flag is not being recognized for the stardog query command.
I hope this is a bug and not intended.

I thought that this sounded familiar so I searched old posts and found this which includes a possible workaround.

We have verified this bug and created issue #4173 to track it’s status.


Thanks Jess, is there a way for me to track this and know when it’s fixed?

Hey Phil,
We publish the list of issues implemented in each release in the release notes. This particular issue is not scheduled to be fixed in the next release. Please consider the workaround mentioned in the thread that Zachary posted.


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