Just checking since the last Stardog Spring update was April.
Just checking since the last Stardog Spring update was April.
It is indeed. Why, are you having issues with it and a more current Stardog version?
No. I was just checking since I am making some significant changes to a program and want to rule out possible sources of error.
Also, the README at the GitHub source at GitHub - stardog-union/stardog-spring: Spring integration with Stardog RDF database says that the current version is 5.0.1. It would be good if the source is updated to also update the README. (Just a suggestion.)
Thanks for letting us know on the outdated README. Current published rev works with any Stardog 5.x server.
There are a few changes you may want to be aware of if upgrading from Stardog 4:
Added new methods to deal with reasoning on a per connection basis:
Fix for the snarlTemplate.add() method for missing IRI's in the object position:
If there's any missing Spring functionality you're interesting in using, please let us know.
Al Baker
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