The query …
PREFIX cco: <>
PREFIX event: <>
PREFIX general: <>
SELECT ?region (COUNT(distinct ?event) as ?countOfMurders)
{ graph <> {
?type rdfs:subClassOf* event:MurderOrHomicide .
?country a cco:Country ; rdfs:label ?coLabel .
BIND (str(?coLabel) as ?checkLabel) .
} }
?event a ?type ; general:located_at ?loc .
?loc rdfs:label ?region .
FILTER (?checkLabel = ?region) .
} GROUP BY ?region
ORDER BY DESC(?countOfMurders)
Returns all regions and their counts. The LIMIT is not respected.
Here is the query plan …
prefix cco: <>
prefix event: <>
prefix general: <>
From <>
From Named <>
Slice(offset=0, limit=15) [#15]
`─ Projection(?region, ?countOfMurders) [#119]
`─ OrderBy(DESC(?countOfMurders), offset=0, limit=15) [#119]
`─ Group(by=[?region] aggregates=[(COUNT(DISTINCT ?event) AS ?countOfMurders)]) [#119]
`─ Filter(?checkLabel = ?region) [#119]
`─ MergeJoin(?loc) [#238]
+─ Sort(?loc) [#238]
│ `─ MergeJoin(?event) [#238]
│ +─ Sort(?event) [#5.4K]
│ │ `─ MergeJoin(?type) [#5.4K]
│ │ +─ Sort(?type) [#1.4K]
│ │ │ `─ Bind(Str(?coLabel) AS ?checkLabel) [#1.4K]
│ │ │ `─ LoopJoin(_) [#1.4K]
│ │ │ +─ MergeJoin(?country) [#238]
│ │ │ │ +─ Scan[POS](?country, <>, cco:Country){<>} [#238]
│ │ │ │ `─ Scan[PSO](?country, <>, ?coLabel){<>} [#2.4K]
│ │ │ `─ PropertyPath(event:MurderOrHomicide -> ?type in <>, minLength=0) [#6]
│ │ │ `─ Scan[POS](?type, <>, event:MurderOrHomicide){<>} [#3]
│ │ `─ Scan[POS](?event, <>, ?type) [#11.2M]
│ `─ Scan[PSO](?event, general:located_at, ?loc) [#423K]
`─ Scan[PSO](?loc, <>, ?region) [#5.4M]
Although the query plan indicates “slice”, no slicing is performed.
I know that the query can be written differently/more efficiently, but this structure is required due to its being run against multiple triple stores (and other bugs are present in those stores). The problem is checking the location value (which is just a string) against the country label (which is a string with a language tag).