Problem with query federation to Fuseki, missing prefix


I am running the following query with stardog studio:

  Service ?connectionURI{
      graph ?namedGraphs{
        ?s ?p <>   ;
        OPTIONAL{?s ?p2 ?o . 
}  FILTER (!isLITERAL(?o) || LANG(?o) = "" || LANG(?o) = "en")
OPTIONAL{?o2 a  ?s}    
} }}

the federation part is send to a fuseki server. on the fuseki output I see the following:

08:55:53 INFO  Fuseki          :: [143] Query = SELECT ?s ?p ?namedGraphs ?p2 ?o ?o2  WHERE {    {     GRAPH ?namedGraphs {       ?s ?p <> .      }     OPTIONAL {       GRAPH ?namedGraphs {         ?s ?p2 ?o .        }     }     FILTER ((!(isLiteral(?o)) || ("" = Lang(?o) || "en" = Lang(?o))))   }   OPTIONAL {     ?o2 rdf:type ?s .    } }
08:55:53 INFO  Fuseki          :: [143] 400 Bad Request (0 ms)

I see that "a" was replaced by rdf:type but rdf as a prefix ist not defined. When I copy paste this query to the fuseki UI and add a prefix definition for rdf, the query works. Is it possible that stardog forgets to forward the prefixes for the part within the service element?

Thanks in advance

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