Hi, I am trying to use SPARQL with pystardog to return data but cannot get reasoning to work.
Using the following code:
#conn_details removed from support post
database = 'sqlBehaviors'
with stardog.Connection(database, **conn_details) as conn:
query = '''
select ?test {
?test a sql:Behavior .
results = conn.select(query, reasoning=True)
for result in results['results']['bindings']:
If run this SPARQL query in Stardog studio or the equivalent of the query in explorer, with reasoning enabled and the correct reasoning schema then I am able to return the expected data.
The reasoning schema is named "sql" and is configured in the database "sql=tag:stardog:designer:sql:model"
I have tried stating the named graphs and stardog:context:all but had no results for the pystardog approach but this returns nothing. I cannot find anything in the documentation that explains why the reasoning doesn't work or how to specify which reasoning schema to use.
I am able to query assertions but not reasoning.
Can someone advise