QueryEval: Logical service query cannot be evaluated

Hi, I got exception error thrown out as
QueryEval: Logical service query cannot be evaluated
when I am trying to query from virtual graph and join with another sparql endpoint using service.
Is this type of query not supported by Stardog?

SELECT ?child ?name ?lei ?country ?city ?street  ?type ?ultiparent
   graph <virtual://db1> {
      ?ultiparent ^relationship:UltimateParent ?child;
          party:hasName "Everest Re Group, Ltd." .
     ?child   party:hasName ?name .
     ?child ^relationship:hasChild ?Relation.
     ?Relation relationship:hasParent ?directparent.
     ?directparent party:hasName ?directparentname .
     ?Relation a ?type.
   optional {
        ?child owl:sameAs ?lei.
                SERVICE <https://lei.info/sparql> {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                         ?lei voc-l1:legalName ?legalName .
                         ?lei voc-l1:legalAddress ?legalAddress .
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:country ?country . 
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:city ?city .
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:streetAddress ?street .
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:postalCode ?postalCode .

Hi Vivian,

Stardog does not support a SERVICE block inside a virtual graph block. Is the owl:sameAs coming from the virtual graph? You will have to move that pattern to a separate block to join in an OPTIONAL, eg:

graph <virtual://...> {
   ?child ..
  graph <virtual://...> { 
    ?child owl:sameAs ?lei
  service <...> { 
    ?lei ...


Jess, thanks. I put the service to a separate block, this time no error, but no return result. I did a quick test trying to isolate the problem.

  1. Create a db using studio with all default setting.

  2. Insert 1 triple for lei id.

@prefix lei-info: <http://lei.info/> .
@prefix party: <http://example.com/data/> .

party:12345 owl:sameAs lei-info:549300N24XF2VV0B3570 .
  1. Run following query, return the result
prefix lei-info: <http://lei.info/> 
PREFIX voc-l1: <http://lei.info/voc/l1/>
PREFIX voc-l2: <http://lei.info/voc/l2/>
prefix party: <http://example.com/data/> 

SELECT ?party  ?lei ?country ?city ?street 
      party:12345 owl:sameAs ?lei. 
     { SERVICE <https://lei.info/sparql> {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                         ?lei voc-l1:legalName ?legalName .
                         ?lei voc-l1:legalAddress ?legalAddress .
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:country ?country . 
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:city ?city .
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:streetAddress ?street .
                         ?legalAddress voc-l1:postalCode ?postalCode .
  1. Run the same query #3 again. The query hung and return with error: 000012: org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException

Do you see this kind of issues? what could cause? It can be duplicated.

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