Reasoning query returns unexpected results

When executing this query with reasoning, no results are returned.

SELECT ?s_ ?p_ ?o_ WHERE { ?s_ ?p_ ?o_ . { { SELECT ?s_ WHERE { FILTER ( ?s_ = <> ) } ORDER BY ASC ( ?s_ ) LIMIT 1 } } }

However, when executing this query with reasoning, the expected results are returned.

SELECT ?s_ ?p_ ?o_ WHERE { ?s_ ?p_ ?o_ . { { SELECT ?s_ WHERE { ?s_ <> <> . FILTER ( ?s_ = <> ) } ORDER BY ASC ( ?s_ ) LIMIT 1 } } 

I would have assumed that the same results would have been returned from both queries. Is this a bug?

Your first query is invalid due to this block, which isn't actually binding ?s_ to anything, just trying to apply a filter. The second query includes another BGP in this block, so the filter has something to work with.

What I'm assuming you want is BIND(<> as ?s_) instead.

If it’s invalid, why is there no error returned?

While it is perhaps syntactically valid, it won’t ever (as you found) return any bindings.

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