Reasonner does not infer equivalent class based on restriction

On Stardog Studio, I have issues with basic reasoning tasks. I defined Installation to be equivalent to wearing a racket and would like for tom, when wearing a racket, to be classified as Installation :

:Installation rdf:type owl:Class ;
              owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                                    owl:onProperty :wears ;
                                    owl:hasValue :racket
                                  ] .

No way, I tried every configuration : QL, SL, etc.

Did I miss something?

Hi François,

You would need to place your ontology/TBox into the <tag:stardog:api:context:schema> named graph, or change the reasoning.schema.graphs setting on the database from its default. If I do that your query works as intended.

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Thank you for you answer. I really appreciate.
It's not the first time you help me ! I use Stardog since ages with my student.

With your help, I could manage to set a specific TBox in the correct schema, by querying the following:

    GRAPH <tag:stardog:api:context:schema> {

and another query for the ABox, not necessarily in the above schema.

I also discover that, when loading data (I have one unique .ttl coming from Protégé, I could precise the "defaut" context ? I set it to stardog:context:schema and add it to the reasoning.schema.graphs setting. But it sounded as if there were nothing in the database, querying select * where{ ?s ?p ?o} returned nothing. I had to insert the data for the second time, but with Load Data To=stardog:context:default.

Is there an easiest way ?