Regression in 5.3.1 - delete/insert gives "Sequence data has been disposed of" error

The SPARQL is as follows.

WITH repos:fibo
DELETE { rdfs:label ?v}
INSERT { rdfs:label "person held company"}
WHERE { OPTIONAL { rdfs:label ?v} }

This used to work at 5.2.2 but following our upgrade to 5.3.1 produces the following error (from stardog.log). Removing the DELETE or the INSERT works fine: it's the combination that is the problem.

ERROR 2018-06-28 12:57:30,464 [stardog-user-6] com.stardog.http.server.undertow.
ErrorHandling:writeError(138): Unexpected error on the server
com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.operator.OperatorException: Sequence data has
been disposed of
mputeNext( ~[stardog-5.3.1.jar:?]
mputeNext( ~[stardog-5.3.1.jar:?]
at com.complexible.common.collect.AbstractSkippingIterator.tryToComputeN
ext( ~[stardog-utils-common-5.3.1.jar:?]

Hi Pete,

This problem was actually reported elsewhere a little while back and the fix should be in the next Stardog release!