I am using the latest version of Stardog in a docker container. After it is spun up I am adding an Azure SQL (MySQL) database and mapping it in based on the vkg tutorial however Stardog seems to drop the connection and not reconnect.
When executing a SPARQL query like below:
SELECT ?member ?name {
GRAPH <virtual://music> {
?band a :Band ;
:name "The Beatles" .
?member :member ?band ;
:name ?name .
This query will work a bunch of times and then stop working (supposedly) randomly. When it fails I get the following error:
bash-4.2$ /opt/stardog/bin/stardog query execute music /tmp/correct_query.sparql
com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.operator.OperatorException: Unable to execute virtual graph query. SQL string: SELECT `membership`.`artist`, `artist`.`name`
FROM `TEST`.`membership`
INNER JOIN `TEST`.`artist` ON `membership`.`artist` = `artist`.`id` AND `artist`.`name` IS NOT NULL
INNER JOIN `TEST`.`artist` AS `artist0` ON `membership`.`band` = `artist0`.`id` AND `artist0`.`name` = 'The Beatles' AND `artist0`.`type` = 2
If I copy and paste the generated SQL into my database it returns results, so it isn't an issue with the SQL generation:
mysql> SELECT `membership`.`artist`, `artist`.`name`
-> FROM `TEST`.`membership`
-> INNER JOIN `TEST`.`artist` ON `membership`.`artist` = `artist`.`id` AND `artist`.`name` IS NOT NULL
-> INNER JOIN `TEST`.`artist` AS `artist0` ON `membership`.`band` = `artist0`.`id` AND `artist0`.`name` = 'The Beatles' AND `artist0`.`type` = 2;
| artist | name |
| 1 | John Lennon |
| 2 | Paul McCartney |
| 3 | Ringo Starr |
| 4 | George Harrison |
| 1 | John Lennon |
| 2 | Paul McCartney |
| 3 | Ringo Starr |
| 4 | George Harrison |
8 rows in set (0.20 sec)
The only pattern I have seen that might help is that after I run an incorrectly formatted query it stops working (as if it crashes the SQL connection and it doesn't get re-established)
Any thoughts?