SHACL SPARQL Mapping of Variables to sh:message

I would like to display variables of the SPARQL select query in the sh:message like specified in the SHACL documentation: Unfortunately, it does not work like expected.

How can I display variables of the SPARQL select query in the sh:message?
Thank you for the support.

Example SHACL:

maic:RuleShapeI rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , sh:NodeShape ;
 sh:sparql [
  rdf:type sh:SPARQLConstraint ;
  sh:message "{$this} is a teacher of {?student}." ;
  sh:prefixes [
   sh:declare [
    sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
    sh:prefix "maic"
  ] ;
 sh:select """
  SELECT $this ?student
  $this maic:teaches ?student
 ] ;
 sh:targetClass maic:Teacher ;
 sh:severity sh:Info ;

Example validation report:

sh:resultMessage "{$this} is a teacher of {?student}." .

Expected validation report:

sh:resultMessage "Anna is a teacher of Boris." .

Hi Florian,

You're right, this isn't supported at the moment. I will create a feature request for it.

Thanks for the report,