SPARQL how to get object attributes?

Trying to inspect the customer 360 data in SPARQL. The following query

prefix : tag:stardog:api:ecomm:
?customer a :Customer .

returns values like:

How do I also get all of the class attributes such as lastName and firstName?

Hi Ed,

If you aren't using Stardog Explorer to inspect this data set, you can run a few SPARQL queries to see your options. In this case you can run a test query such as:

  <urn:stardog:demos:c360:customer:1> ?p ?o

This will show you the available predicates for your data. You could also see these by examining the virtual graph mappings and similar things in the dataset.

In this specific case you'll see that :firstName and :lastName are included in the possible predicates, so you can add triple patterns to your query that bind those values:

  ?customer a :Customer ;
    :firstName ?firstName ;
    :lastName ?lastName

|             customer              | firstName |    lastName     |
| urn:stardog:demos:c360:customer:1 | "Jolynn"  | "Bithany"       |
| urn:stardog:demos:c360:customer:2 | "Mord"    | "Pettus"        |
| urn:stardog:demos:c360:customer:3 | "Lavinie" | "Stannislawski" |