Specifying tab as separator in "CSV" resource file for Cloud

Has this been resolved? I'm getting the same problem, would be great to know how others have dealt with it.

Hi Will,

Yes, tab-delimited files are now supported in Designer. The file must have an extension of .csv to be imported to Designer, and then the correct delimiter (if tabs, \t) must be specified in the resource properties.


Hi Laura,

Many thanks for such a quick response! Unfortunately I'm still getting the message ""The headers in ... do not match those of the original file" when I try to publish.

Is it known that this second problem is solved also, rather than just the original "failed to parse row"? My csv is from a well-curated source, so will need to do some digging to find the problem. Not the end of the world, just good to know if it isn't a known limitation of Designer itself.


Hi Will,

Designer only stores a small preview of data from CSVs that are uploaded over 2MB. When using a file >2MB, the file must be uploaded again when publishing.

Are you uploading the same file when publishing as you did when mapping? The error message "The headers in ... do not match those of the original file" is triggered when the headers used in the original file do not exactly match those used in the file you uploaded when publishing.

If you are sure you are using the same file, is this a file you could share? If not, could you share some statistics on the file, such as total columns, size, etc?
