Virtual graphs sql server geometry datatype

I do not seem to get a proper output in this situation.

a) input

column in a sql server table with a geometry datatype.

b) mapping
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicate geo:asWKT;
rr:objectMap [

rr:column "PuntGeometrie";

 rr:template "<> {PuntGeometrie}";
 rr:termType rr:Literal;
 rr:datatype geo:wktLiteral;


Two issues/questions:
a) as a value I get 8A7A0000010CB81E85EB99680241EC51B81E09710841
while I would like to have the translation to WKT strings
(ontop does this)
b) stardog complains about the datatype.

What is the complaint that Stardog gives about the datatype?

Hi Zachary,

Stardog refused to restart and at that moment there was an indication that datatype geo:wktLiteral was not recognised.

So I went back from scratch (deleting also the logs).

But now it is working, no complaints anymore. Even after restart.

So the initial error must have been caused by something else.

Solved by using .STAsText() function.

Was derouted because ontop does this automagically.

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