Where to find loaded data list?

Hi, after I load data on studio, where can I find the list of datasets?
Even for the remove data button, I cannot see which data is already uploaded.

Hi Gloria,

Stardog doesn't preserve the individual files you upload, so there isn't a way to do this. When you upload a file when you're removing data, Stardog searches the database for the triples in that file and removes them from the database (so your uploaded file doesn't have to have all or even any of the triples in your database).

However, you can get the effect you want with named graphs. If you upload each of your datasets to a different named graph, you can easily keep track of them and query/delete them individually. You can read more about named graphs here: RDF Graph Data Model | Stardog Documentation Latest


Thanks Steve for your response. It would be great if I could see, at least the file names I uploaded. Sometimes I forget which file I loaded... Thanks for the reference link.

Hi Gloria,

If you wanted, you could add a triple to each of your data files that contained the name of the file. It might look something like this:

<http://example.com/graphs/vehicle_data> ex:fileName "vehicle_data.ttl" .

Where http://example.com/graphs/vehicle_data is your named graph and ex:fileName is a new predicate created specifically for this purpose.

Let me know if that works for you.
