Bulk upload on mounted disk : operation not support

Dear all,

Bulk upload on mounted disk seems not working with large input files
on Stardog Version 7.8.3 / Mac OS X 11.2, Java 16.0.1

stardog-admin db create -n watdiv2 /Volumes/Samsung_T5/watdiv-skew-10M.ttl
Exception during index bulk loading for watdiv2

in the the log (operation not supported):

WARN 2022-02-19 16:03:31,930 [Stardog.Executor-21] com.complexible.stardog.index.disk.rocks.RocksIndexUpdateRunner:run(151): Error updating index

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: IO error: while link file to /Volumes/Samsung_T5/stardog/data/\

000070.sst: /Volumes/Samsung_T5/stardog/tmp_sst_data/t__index_sst_file_82396815783552_0_99.sst: Operation not supported`

As you see, the data are written on a SSD mounted disk.

The same bulk upload on the native disk on the mac works:

stardog-admin db create -n watdiv2 /Volumes/Samsung_T5/watdiv-skew-10M.ttl
Bulk loading data to new database watdiv2.
Loaded 9?481?161 triples to watdiv2 from 1 file(s) in 00:01:40.479 @ 94,4K triples/sec.
Successfully created database 'watdiv2'.

What's going wrong on mounted disks ??

As per System Requirements | Stardog Documentation Latest, Java 16 is not supported.

Does the error occur with Java 8 or 11?


Dear Serge,

I have the same issue with open-jdk11, and oracle-jdk1.8

% stardog-admin server status                                               
Backup Storage Directory : .backup
CPU Load                 : 0,62 %
Connection Timeout       : 100h
Export Storage Directory : .exports
Memory Heap              : 1,4G (Max: 1,9G)
Memory Mode              : DEFAULT{Starrocks.block_cache=20, Starrocks.dict_block_cache=10, Native.starrocks=70, Heap.dict_value=50, Starrocks.txn_block_cache=5, Heap.dict_index=50, Starrocks.untracked_memory=20, Starrocks.memtable=40, Starrocks.buffer_pool=5, Native.query=30}
Memory Query Blocks      :   0B (Max: 373M)
Memory RSS               : 1,5G
Named Graph Security     : false
Platform Arch            : x86_64
Platform OS              : Mac OS X 12.2.1, Java 11.0.12
% stardog-admin db create -n watdiv2 /Volumes/Samsung_T5/watdiv-skew-10M.ttl

Exception during index bulk loading for watdiv2

It is also occuring with oracle-jdk1.8:

% stardog-admin server status   
Backup Storage Directory : .backup
CPU Load                 : 1,02 %
Connection Timeout       : 100h
Export Storage Directory : .exports
Memory Heap              : 432M (Max: 1,9G)
Memory Mode              : DEFAULT{Starrocks.dict_block_cache=10, Starrocks.block_cache=20, Native.starrocks=70, Heap.dict_value=50, Starrocks.txn_block_cache=5, Heap.dict_index=50, Starrocks.untracked_memory=20, Starrocks.memtable=40, Starrocks.buffer_pool=5, Native.query=30}
Memory Query Blocks      :   0B (Max: 373M)
Memory RSS               : 496M
Named Graph Security     : false
Platform Arch            : x86_64
Platform OS              : Mac OS X 10.16, Java 1.8.0_241
% stardog-admin db create -n watdiv2 /Volumes/Samsung_T5/watdiv-skew-10M.ttl

Exception during index bulk loading for watdiv2

error log:

[stardog-user-2] com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.server.StardogUndertowErrorHandler:accept(68): Unexpected exceptio\

n was handled by the server

java.io.IOException: IO error: while link file to /Volumes/Samsung_T5/stardog/data/000606.sst: /Volumes/Samsung_T5/stardog/watdiv2/sst_file0.sst: Operat\

ion not supported