Hi Team,
Could you please advise, how can we able to see the data from virtual graph in a "graph" visualization ?
Able to identify 2 options,
- Selecting the query result in Stardog studio and click "visualize".
- With Stardog explorer .
Both didn't work for my case. Could you please tell us what is missing , to get it work ?
or do we need to get it done with external tool set ?
Below are the details !!
1. Using Stardog studio:
Selecting the results and clicking visualize, gives below result
Below is the query plan for "construct" query
From default
From named local named
From named virtual
Reduced [#280]
`─ Projection(?iri AS ?subject, ?predicate, ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?object AS ?subject, rdf:type AS ?predicate, ?object_type AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?object AS ?subject, <tag:stardog:studio:label> AS ?predicate, ?object_label_0 AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?object AS ?subject, rdfs:label AS ?predicate, ?object_label_1 AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?object AS ?subject, <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title> AS ?predicate, ?object_label_2 AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?subject, ?predicate_2 AS ?predicate, ?iri AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?subject, rdf:type AS ?predicate, ?subject_type AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?subject, <tag:stardog:studio:label> AS ?predicate, ?subject_label_0 AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?subject, rdfs:label AS ?predicate, ?subject_label_1 AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context;
+─ ?subject, <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title> AS ?predicate, ?subject_label_2 AS ?object, <tag:stardog:api:context:default> AS ?context) [#280]
`─ Slice(offset=0, limit=1000) [#28]
`─ Union [#28]
+─ VALUES (?iri) {
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/adult> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/budget> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/imdb_id> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/movid> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/original_language> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/original_title> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/overview> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/release_date> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/revenue> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/runtime> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/tagline> )
│ +─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/title> )
│ +─ ( rdf:type )
│ `─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/film> )
│ }
`─ VALUES (?iri) {
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/adult> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/budget> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/imdb_id> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/movid> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/original_language> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/original_title> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/overview> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/release_date> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/revenue> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/runtime> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/tagline> )
+─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/title> )
+─ ( rdf:type )
`─ ( <http://abc.com/movies/film> )
2. Using Stardog Explorer:
tried searching for a movie name. but no luck.
Selected a database which has "fulltext search" properties enabled .
Selected Graph as "all" and also tried "selecting a particular virtual graph" in the below options.
Please advise, am i missing something / which is the right approach for graph based visualization of the data from virtual graph.
Requesting a help on this .