I know Designer has potential capabilities ... But we don't know what we don't know
- Are there Designer tutorials, blogs, articles - anything that helps me get the ROI out of essentials package?
Excel and csv tutorial would be a great start.
I know Designer has potential capabilities ... But we don't know what we don't know
Excel and csv tutorial would be a great start.
We run demo days about every two weeks which highlight different areas of the Stardog toolset and capabilities. As an Essentials user, you should be getting emails inviting you to these. They are recorded and shared with all attendees so those who cannot attend live can still access. If you are not receiving these invites and would like to, please let us know.
Here are two previous Demo Days -- one focused on Designer capabilities Stardog | Webinar: Demo Day - Designer as well as a broader one about how Stardog with Designer can help users quickly build out an enterprise knowledge graph, Stardog | Webinar: Demo Day - Enterprise Knowledge Graph, End-to-End.
Our docs on Designer can be found here, Stardog Designer | Stardog Documentation Latest.
And the initial blog post announcing Designer here, Introducing Stardog Designer | Stardog.
We hope these resources help get you started with Designer which can be accessed using Essentials.