Difficulties in Exporting Complex Graph Designs


I have been encountering challenges when trying to export complex graph designs created in Stardog Designer into a reusable format, such as RDF or TTL. While simpler graphs export without issue, designs involving nested relationships, custom ontology alignments / multi-layered connections seem to result in incomplete or corrupted files. :innocent:

For example; a project I recently worked on included several namespaces and mappings to external ontologies. Upon exporting, certain triples were omitted & others appeared malformed when viewed in external RDF validators. Additionally, attempts to re-import the exported file back into Stardog Designer failed; indicating syntax errors not present in the original design. This issue affects the ability to collaborate across teams; especially when exporting data models for use in other tools. :upside_down_face:

It would be helpful to understand whether there are specific limitations or known issues with the export feature for complex designs. Additionally, implementing enhanced error reporting during export / a validation tool to preview exported files within Stardog Designer could significantly improve usability. :innocent: Checked Stardog Applications | Stardog Documentation Latest Splunk documentation guide for reference .

I'm curious to hear if others in the community have faced similar problems and any workarounds or solutions they've found.

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

The Designer experience is focused on the data model definitions outlined in: Stardog Designer | Stardog Documentation Latest. Data model definitions outside of this scope are omitted.

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