Error when setting up Elasticsearch data source

When I try creating an elasticsearch data source in stardog studio I get the following error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/elasticsearch/client/RestClient
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.vega.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchDataSource.<init>(
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.vega.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchDataSource$ElasticsearchDataSourceFactory.create(
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.vega.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchDataSource$ElasticsearchDataSourceFactory.create(
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.DefaultVirtualGraphRegistry.createDataSource(
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.DefaultVirtualGraphRegistry.addDataSourceWithoutClosingPrior(
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.DefaultVirtualGraphRegistry.addDataSource(
	at com.complexible.stardog.virtual.SecuredVirtualGraphRegistry.addDataSource(
	at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.server.virtual.admin.DataSourceHttpService.addDataSource(
	at com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.server.virtual.admin.DataSourceHttpService.addDataSource(
	at com.stardog.http.server.undertow.jaxrs.ExtractRoutes.lambda$handleIt$5(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

Since I'm using stardog cloud I've assumed that I don't need to add the elasticsearch client jar myself.

Hi Henrik,

ElasticSearch is not a supported data source in Stardog Cloud. You can see the full list of supported sources here.

Would one of the supported sources enable you to achieve what you're trying to?


I'm afraid not. We use elasticsearch to query data dumps from various databases that no longer exist, and we store the data dumps in a self hosted GitLab instance using Git LFS.
I was trying to create a virtual graph.
Is there any chance that support for Elasticsearch will be added in the future?

Hi Henrik,

It's possible it will be added, but I'm not aware of any plans to add it. If you'd like to use it, you can speak to a sales rep about finding a paid Stardog solution that will work for you and your team.
