Explorer not showing all classes

I designed a knowledge graph with bunch of classes and relationship with Designer. After publishing the model, one class doesn't appear in the Explorer. I am able to query it in Studio and get the result. In explorer it doesn't show as a node in the graph, nor does it appear in the filter list. I am able to use it with Voicebox though. I tried asking Voicebox questions that returns that class as answer. Once I click on that answer, it appears in the explorer as no class. Am I missing something here. Thanks for the help.
The class name is Address and I cannot see it in the query builder too, if this information helps.

Hi Sonam,

Is the class also used as a relationship or attribute? This is a known limitation that Explorer does not visualize a defined model concept when defined as both a class and a property (attribute or relationship).

If you do want a class and a property (attribute or relationship) to have the label that is fine. To visualize them in Explorer, you will need to define unique IRIs, which are recommended so the concepts can be differentiated.

To edit an IRI, you can open the details panel in Designer, and click on the </> button shown when hovering over the concept label.

Hope this helps!


Thank you Laura. Turns out I had the same name for my class as well as one of the attributes. I also noticed that when we create multiple relationships with the same name in Designer, it automatically appends a _* number at the end which I only realised when Voicebox started using it. Thanks for the help.