Got error when start server Stardog

Good morning.

I have installed Stardog and when i try to start server i got error
C:\Users\SARS\Documents\stardog-7.0.2\bin>stardog-admin.bat server start --disable-security
An unexpected error occurred.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.stardog.starrocks.NativeStorageKernel

What could I do to make it run?
Thank you very much.

Did you read this part in the docs:

Stardog is verified to run on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, RHEL 7 and CentOS 7, Amazon Linux 2 and recent versions of OSX. For Windows users, Stardog 7 is supported by running within a Docker container. If you require running Stardog natively, please contact us for support.

So you should use Docker on Windows machine.

Hi Lorenz_b

Thanks you very much. I will try it.

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