GraphQL feedback

Just some quick feedback on the new GraphQL feature.

  • It doesn’t look like “stardog grapnel…” has made it into the bash completion.
  • It looks like the example data hasn’t been pushed to stardog-examples yet
  • Maybe I’m missing something but it isn’t entirely clear from “stardog help graphql” how you should execute queries. I see the example for “stardog grapnel explain” but nothing else. It seems to run a query with "stardog grapnql and mirroring regular spraql queries "stardog grapnel execute although “stardog help grapql execute” returns “unknown command”. I could be doing something wrong because the query returns but is blank.

I’m super excited about this feature. Thanks.

…looks like that was the right way to query "stardog graphqll " or "stardog graphql execute ". I managed to get a query to return data. I wasn’t adding namespaces. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess the examples use the default namespace and I didn’t think to add them.

Hi Zachary,

Thanks for your comments and sorry for forgetting to follow up before. The
sample data is in the examples repo now [1] and we also added an example of
using the Java API [2]. The CLI help for graphql command was broken but we
fixed that in the latest release. We also added a new section in the docs
[3] showing how to run queries via CLI, HTTP and GraphiQL UI. The bash
completion has not been updated yet but it is on our todo list for the next




[3] Home | Stardog Documentation Latest

No worries. I'm just glad that I can help out even if it's in a small way.

Is there a way to set parameterized query variables? I figured it would be something like --bind from "stardog query" but I didn't see it in the man page from the docs. (I do see it in the java example though.)

I was also thinking it would be very cool if you could also pass a Jolt JSON transformation to be applied to the result to give you even more control over the exact output. Just a thought. Thanks for the great new feature.

Setting parameters is not supported in the CLI yet but it works with HTTP
and Java APIs. But unlike the other CLI commands the --bind argument to
the GraphQL CLI command will probably accept a JSON input.


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