Group and aggregate functions in Explorer

My business users are testing the Query Builder in Explorer and asking if it is possible to build queries expressing Group By, Order By and aggregate statements, for instance:

  • List all products by product category

  • How many Products does Product Category X have?

  • What is the lowest priced product?

Hi Marie,

The short answer is that Query Builder does not currently support these types of queries.

  • List all products by product category
  • How many Products does Product Category X have?

Both of these queries are possible today in Explorer as part of the text-based search, by using the class drop down and performing a blank search. I've included a share link with an example to one of our knowledge kits. Note that Explorer, by default, has a limit of 50 applied to all text-based searches, but this limit can be removed (by clicking the pop-up in the lower left-hand corner of the screen after running a text-based search).
Share link to example class type search in Explorer -- Stardog Cloud

What is the lowest priced product?

While query builder supports comparison between attributes today, we don't allow those attributes to be aggregated, as you have noted. We are tracking this request.

Two additional pieces of good news for future capabilities -- Voicebox will certainly support queries like these, and we will link the Voicebox response and experience to visualizations in Explorer. We also have improvements to Query Builder in the works that will add complexity, such as adding negative criteria to a search and requiring that an attribute exists, which will be released very soon.
