How to influence the seralization

Is there a way to influence the seralization of a query result. I don’t mean the option to choose the format (RDF/XML, Turtle, …) but within a given format.

For example, I have RDF-data ike this:

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""  xmlns:s="http://example/schema/">
  <rdf:Description about="http://example/alice">
    <s:likes rdf:resource="http://example/strawberry"
    <s:likes rdf:resource="http://example/river"

The point here is that the information is nested: alice likes two objects (strawberry, river) which have properties on their own.

Now, let’s query this data with this construct:

prefix : <http://example/>
prefix s: <http://example/schema/>

construct {
  ?person s:likes ?object.
  ?object ?property ?value.
where {
  ?person s:likes ?object.
  ?object ?property ?value.

this returns all the information of the original data above. However, stardog serializes it in flat a structure:

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/alice">
        <s:likes rdf:resource="http://example/strawberry"/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/strawberry">
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/alice">
        <s:likes rdf:resource="http://example/river"/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/river">

Is there a way to force stardog to try to group information whenever possible in such a scenario?


It sounds like you’re looking for the RDF/XML-ABBREV syntax. It’s not a formal syntax and I don’t believe that Stardog supports it. At least it’s not listed as a format when running stardog help query execute. There are third party tools that will convert from what you’ve got to that syntax such as the Jena riot command.

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