Inference using skos archetype

I created a database (v5.0-beta) using the skos archetype and the SL reasoning type and added the data below (using the command line because it doesn’t work with the UI for some reason) :

@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix rule: <tag:stardog:api:rule:> .

ex:ElementScheme a skos:ConceptScheme ;
	skos:prefLabel "Thesaurus of the elements of a building"@en ;
	skos:hasTopConcept ex:element .

ex:Element a skos:Concept ;
	skos:prefLabel "Element"@en ;
	skos:inScheme ex:ElementScheme .

	ex:Building a skos:Concept ;
		skos:prefLabel "Building"@en ;
		skos:broaderTransitive ex:Element ;
		skos:inScheme ex:ElementScheme  .
    ex:Room a skos:Concept ;
		skos:prefLabel "Room"@en ;
		skos:broaderTransitive ex:Element ;
		skos:inScheme ex:ElementScheme  .

		ex:Office a skos:Concept ;
			skos:prefLabel "Office"@en ;
			skos:broaderTransitive ex:Room ;
			skos:inScheme ex:ElementScheme  .

When I run the query below, I only have the triples that were explicitly added, even with the reasonner (the transitivity doesn’t work)

select ?o where 
	?o skos:broaderTransitive ex:Element

When I run th second query, I don’t have any result, even though skos:narrowerTransitive is the inverse property of skos:broaderTransitive.

select ?o where 
	ex:Element skos:narrowerTransitive ?o

Where did I go wrong ?

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Are you running the query via the web console? We have a known issue with the 5.0-RC1 where reasoning cannot be enabled properly on the web console. If you run the command via CLI with stardog query -r myDb do you get the desired results?

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Yes, it works just fine this way, thanks !

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