NLP and supported languages

Regarding the NLP tools intergrated into Stardog, do they support Italian language? Which other language is supported?

The BITES release is just made for English language as seen in the code: bites-corenlp/build.gradle at master · stardog-union/bites-corenlp · GitHub

It uses Stanford CoreNLP, so you can easily adapt to to other models. But, the latest releases do not provide a model for Italian: Download - CoreNLP
Even not via 3rd party: Model Zoo - CoreNLP

Also, switching to OpenNLP would not work as they also don't provide Italian models: OpenNLP Tools Models

For Italian language, I could find - it's based on CoreNLP, btu I'm pretty sure you can't simply change the Gradle dependency, but have to adapt the whole BITES code.

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Try taking a look at GitHub - Unipisa/corenlp-it: A collection of CoreNLP add-ons and models for Italian.

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