#pragma reasoning inconsistent

Hi, ´

I´m running SPARQL with #pragma reasoning using an example you provided in Knowledge Kits, Inference Engine Tutorial (about music)

The issue I have is that reasoning behaviour is not consistent in 2 cases that are linked between then

1) case 1, Cloud version

If I execute query below, with reasoning and without reasoning, I'm retrieving different number of records, that looks sense

  -- without reasoning: 12.353 records
  -- with reasoning:      29.208 records

The rare behaviour here it's looks like the reasoning in the console (check enable) is overwritten pragma, but only when pragma is on:

              console    pragma    reasoning 
                  on          on               on    --> OK
                  on          off               off    --> OK
                  off          on               off    --> rare behaviour 
                  off          off               off    --> OK

SELECT ?xx ?property ?yy
{ GRAPH stardog-tutorial:music:music_data
{ #pragma reasoning on
?x ?property ?y
BIND(REPLACE(str(?x), ",", "" ) AS ?xx)
BIND(REPLACE(str(?y), ",", "" ) AS ?yy)
{ SELECT ?property
{ GRAPH stardog-tutorial-music:music_schema
{ #pragma reasoning on
?property a owl:ObjectProperty . }
} LIMIT 100000

2) case 2, via pystardog

running same query than case 1, reasoning is always off, despite pragma is on

conn_details = { 'endpoint': 'https://XXXXXX.stardog.cloud:5820',
'username': get_connection('user.txt'),
'password': get_connection('password.txt') }

sql = """SELECT ?xx ?property ?yy
{ GRAPH stardog-tutorial:music:music_data
{ #pragma reasoning on
?x ?property ?y
BIND(REPLACE(str(?x), ",", "" ) AS ?xx)
BIND(REPLACE(str(?y), ",", "" ) AS ?yy)
{ SELECT ?property
{ GRAPH stardog-tutorial-music:music_schema
{ #pragma reasoning on
?property a owl:ObjectProperty . }
} LIMIT 100000"""

with stardog.Connection('test', **conn_details) as conn:
result = conn.select(sql, content_type = "text/csv")
X = sparql_to_pandas(result)

Thank you in advance from your support
