Hi there,
I am trying to set up a connection through Presto/Trino and it appears Stardog is not picking up the database driver .jar files, as I am getting errors from Stardog stating that it cannot find the driver classes.
Can I confirm with you that I should be using the Generic SQL option in Studio? I have also added these db connection details to a .properties file per the documentation.
I have tried the following .jar files for Presto/Trino:
- presto-jdbc-333.jar .... with jdbc.url=jdbc:presto://
- trino-jdbc-360.jar .... with jdbc.url=jdbc:trino://
My database properties file contains the following (for the latest Trino driver):
This is the error message I am getting:
sh-4.2$ ./stardog-admin data-source add /var/opt/stardog/cida_trino.properties
Unable to load class: io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver from ClassLoader:sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@27f8302d;ClassLoader:java.net.URLClassLoader@2e23ac7d
I am running a Dockerized instance of Stardog on a corporate (bank firewalled) computer. It does not appear that Stardog is recognizing or picking up the .jar files in /server/dbms.
/var/opt/stardog is mounted to this folder on my computer: /host_mnt/c/Users/username/stardog-home
Any assistance would be appreciated.