Hi, i want to know if can i write a SPARQL Query, turn on the reasoner (SL) and receive the query result inferred, for example: i have a SWRL rule who infer a property in every individuals of type ClassX but i want to query a specific individual and see his inferred properties.
Actually, i try to write a query like this, and turn on the reasoner:
select * where {
<http://www.test.com/untitled-ontology-230/2017> ?b ?c
I expect to get all the properties from <http://www.test.com/untitled-ontology-230/2017>
individual, with inferred ones.
In stardog.log i got this error:
WARN 2017-05-17 11:06:37,315 [StardogServer.WorkerGroup-0] com.clarkparsia.blackout.Saturator:saturate(104): Saturation was interrupted. Query results might be incomplete.
ERROR 2017-05-17 11:06:37,338 [StardogServer.WorkerGroup-0] com.complexible.stardog.protocols.http.server.HttpMessageEncoder:write(161): There was an error while encoding the response
com.complexible.common.protocols.EncodingException: com.complexible.stardog.plan.eval.ExecutionException: The graph com.complexible.common.graph.DirectedGraphImpl@5ff2046e contains cycles.
Is this possible with Stardog or is conceptually wrong? Thanks!
(stardog version: 4.2.4)