Hi guys,
So I have a bunch of data, an ontology and some rulesets that combined should give me some results.
The basics of it is this:
I have some instances of rdf:type ifcowl:IfcWallStandardCase.
My ontology states that a class ccs:WallStructure owl:equivalentClass ifcowl:IfcWallStandardCase .
Then I do some computing and I get results like this for the following properties:
?wall ccs:singleLevelID “AD2”
?wall ccs:typeID “AD1” …
Another property related to this is ccs:singleLevelLocationAtID that is found from the following ruleset:
# Rule for CCSSingleLevelLocationAtID for elements inside storey->space (Lokations-ID).
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content """
IF {
?relcontains a ifcowl:IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure ;
ifcowl:relatedElements_IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure ?el ;
ifcowl:relatingStructure_IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure ?space .
?space a ifcowl:IfcSpace ;
ccs:singleLevelID ?SpaceID .
?rel a ifcowl:IfcRelAggregates ;
ifcowl:relatingObject_IfcRelAggregates ?storey ;
ifcowl:relatedObjects_IfcRelAggregates ?space .
?storey ccs:singleLevelID ?sID .
?el ccs:singleLevelID ?elID .
BIND(REPLACE(?SpaceID, "#", " ", "i") AS ?sID2)
BIND (CONCAT("++", ?sID, ".", ?sID2 , "." , ?elID) AS ?elementinspaceID)
?el ccs:singleLevelLocationAtID ?elementinspaceID .
This is partly based on the dataset, but also on the following rulesets:
# Rule for Storey classification and identification .
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content """
IF {
?storey a ifcowl:IfcBuildingStorey ;
ifcowl:name_IfcRoot/express:hasString ?string .
BIND (substr(?string, strlen(?string)) AS ?levelno) .
## E is the prefix for storey ##
BIND (CONCAT("E", ?levelno) AS ?storeyID)
?storey ccs:singleLevelID ?storeyID .
# Rule for Space classification and identification .
[] a rule:SPARQLRule ;
rule:content """
IF {
?space a ifcowl:IfcSpace ;
ifcowl:name_IfcRoot/express:hasString ?roomno .
## R is the prefix for space ##
BIND (CONCAT("#","R", ?roomno) AS ?spaceID)
?space ccs:singleLevelID ?spaceID .
So to sum it up and get the results I want i run the following query in the Stardog webdatabase:
select *
where {
?uri a ccs:WallStructure ;
ifcowl:globalId_IfcRoot/express:hasString ?guid ;
ccs:singleLevelID ?ID .
OPTIONAL {?uri ifcowl:objectType_IfcObject/express:hasString ?type2 .}
OPTIONAL {?uri ccs:typeID ?typeID .}
OPTIONAL {?uri ccs:topNode ?topNode .}
OPTIONAL {?uri ccs:singleLevelLocationAtID ?locationID .}
But when I run this it just keep thinking (the blue bar to just seems to be loading) and my testcase only has 14 instances of ccs:WallStructure … So i dont know what to do about this… is the rules too much for the reasoner? Can I make the reasoner work faster? Any input would be appreciated.