Note that, you can also combine VALUES with DESCRIBE:
DESCRIBE ?s VALUES ?s { IRI_1 IRI_2 ... IRI_n }
Other possible ways to improve performance:
Execute queries in parallel. Depending on how many cores you have on the client and the server you can use 4, 8 or maybe more threads that will improve the throughput.
Experiment with different formats. NTriples vs Turtle might make a difference but which one will be faster depends on your triples.
Increasing the server heap size might improve caching efficiency depending on your data size and heap.
Alternatively using a caching layer between Stardog and your app would help too.
If none of these suggestions work then you might change your data layout such that the resources you want to export are stored in a specific named graph and you can use data export -g named-graph or the equivalent SPARQL query.
Running without transactions will also speed things up. So if you are doing .begin() and .commit() around your query then removing those will help speed things up.