Server stuck can't stop

2 core cpu with 4g memory ubuntu 64 server

i've write a script that gen sparql insert about 25000 node into database

and when do some query it seems server down

no response with stardog-admin server stop

out of memory ?

INFO  2020-11-10 14:40:13,893 [memory-monitor] com.complexible.stardog.api.NativeMemoryMonitor:reportStatus(135): System mem
Total Memory: 3968327680
Available Memory: 15405056
INFO  2020-11-10 14:40:22,589 [memory-monitor] com.complexible.stardog.api.NativeMemoryMonitor:reportStatus(136): init = 2.0G used = 685M committed = 1.9G max = 1.9G
INFO  2020-11-10 14:40:41,915 [memory-monitor] com.complexible.stardog.api.NativeMemoryMonitor:reportStatus(137):
Heap Memory Usage: init = 2147483648(2097152K) used = 719174968(702319K) committed = 2012217344(1965056K) max = 2012217344(1965056K)
Non-Heap Memory Usage: init = 2555904(2496K) used = 119383760(116585K) committed = 126861312(123888K) max = -1(-1K)
Name: PS Scavenge
	Collection count: 42
	Collection time: 30192
	Memory Pools: [PS Eden Space, PS Survivor Space]
Name: PS MarkSweep
	Collection count: 3
	Collection time: 241
	Memory Pools: [PS Eden Space, PS Survivor Space, PS Old Gen]

Memory Pools Info
Name: Code Cache
	Usage: init = 2555904(2496K) used = 36172160(35324K) committed = 37027840(36160K) max = 251658240(245760K)
	Collection Usage: null
	Peak Usage: init = 2555904(2496K) used = 36753216(35891K) committed = 37027840(36160K) max = 251658240(245760K)
	Type: Non-heap memory
	Memory Manager Names: [CodeCacheManager]
Name: Metaspace
	Usage: init = 0(0K) used = 73743752(72015K) committed = 79388672(77528K) max = -1(-1K)
	Collection Usage: null
	Peak Usage: init = 0(0K) used = 73743752(72015K) committed = 79388672(77528K) max = -1(-1K)
	Type: Non-heap memory
	Memory Manager Names: [Metaspace Manager]
Name: Compressed Class Space
	Usage: init = 0(0K) used = 9474632(9252K) committed = 10444800(10200K) max = 1073741824(1048576K)
	Collection Usage: null
	Peak Usage: init = 0(0K) used = 9474632(9252K) committed = 10444800(10200K) max = 1073741824(1048576K)
	Type: Non-heap memory
	Memory Manager Names: [Metaspace Manager]
Name: PS Eden Space
	Usage: init = 537395200(524800K) used = 54274944(53002K) committed = 439877632(429568K) max = 439877632(429568K)
	Collection Usage: init = 537395200(524800K) used = 0(0K) committed = 439877632(429568K) max = 439877632(429568K)
	Peak Usage: init = 537395200(524800K) used = 662175744(646656K) committed = 662175744(646656K) max = 663224320(647680K)
	Type: Heap memory
	Memory Manager Names: [PS MarkSweep, PS Scavenge]
Name: PS Survivor Space
	Usage: init = 89128960(87040K) used = 1507360(1472K) committed = 140509184(137216K) max = 140509184(137216K)
	Collection Usage: init = 89128960(87040K) used = 1507360(1472K) committed = 140509184(137216K) max = 140509184(137216K)
	Peak Usage: init = 89128960(87040K) used = 124242000(121330K) committed = 192413696(187904K) max = 192413696(187904K)
	Type: Heap memory
	Memory Manager Names: [PS MarkSweep, PS Scavenge]
Name: PS Old Gen
	Usage: init = 1431830528(1398272K) used = 663702248(648146K) committed = 1431830528(1398272K) max = 1431830528(1398272K)
	Collection Usage: init = 1431830528(1398272K) used = 32934528(32162K) committed = 1431830528(1398272K) max = 1431830528(1398272K)
	Peak Usage: init = 1431830528(1398272K) used = 663702248(648146K) committed = 1431830528(1398272K) max = 1431830528(1398272K)
	Type: Heap memory
	Memory Manager Names: [PS MarkSweep]